Healthy Delicious Green Juice Recipe

Healthy Delicious Green Juice Recipe
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Healthy Delicious Green Juice Recipe

Hey there, Welcome to Kenya’s Kitchen88! I want to thank you for stopping by and checking out my food blog. And I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope the year 2023 brings everyone many blessings and happiness.

To get this new year started, if you’re like many folks looking for a fresh start to improving your health and choosing healthy beverages- I have the perfect recipe. I’m getting my New Year’s started on a healthy note, and I would like to share one of my healthy green juice recipes.

Not only is this green juice recipe delicious and fulfilling, but it’s loaded with such awesome flavor from a variety of green fruits and veggies! This green juice recipe has the perfect balance of sweet and salt. The Granny Smith apples and fresh pineapple does a great job of giving this green juice recipe such bold and pleasing flavor. Not to mention the added nutrient benefits of celery and cucumber. This green juice recipe is one to save for continuous rotation in the kitchen.

Rather you’re looking for healthy recipes or want to switch things up a bit in your daily eating routine- my green juice recipe is the best! This is the perfect green juice recipe if you’re looking for a healthy cleanse or even for a detox. Plus, a good thing to note for reference is that green juice has many great benefits. Introducing green juice to your daily routine in conjunction with a healthy diet can add great benefits for your overall health. This green juice recipe has a great taste and a nice balance of sweet and a little bit of salt enhancement from the perfect blend of fresh fruit and veggies. This recipe is one that everyone in the family will enjoy, even the little kiddos.


Some Major Benefits of drinking Green Juice:

  • Green juice is full of antioxidants
  • Green juice can improve your digestive system and aid in overall gut health.
  • Studies have shown that green juice can improve your immune system, especially if you include a healthy diet and a little bit of exercise.
  • Some of the ingredients in green juice have detoxifying properties.


I hope you enjoy this delicious green juice recipe and feel free to check out my other juice recipes as well.



  • Use juicer machine based on manufacturer instructions.
  • I recommend removing the “rind” or skin of the pineapple before putting it in the juicer.
  • Always clean and prep your fruit beforehand.
  • To clean your fruit, you may use vinegar and water solution, then rinse the fruit off under cold water. (Or use a Fruit/Veggie cleaning spray)
  • Vinegar & water solution: 1 part vinegar & 2 to 3 cups of water.



This recipe makes 25oz or 3 servings.

Healthy Green Juice Recipe

Kenya's Kitchen88
Not only is this green juice recipe delicious and fulfilling, but it’s loaded with such awesome flavor from a variety of green fruits and veggies! This Green juice recipe has the perfect balance of sweet and salt. This is the perfect green juice recipe if you’re looking for a healthy cleanse or even for a detox
Course Breakfast, Drinks, lunch
Cuisine American
Servings 3


  • 3 Celery Stalks
  • 1 Pineapple
  • 2 Granny Smith Apples
  • 2 Cucumbers


  • Clean & prep the fruit/veggies.
  • Tip: You may use a Fruit & Veggies cleaning spray or use one part vinegar and one part water solution to clean the fruit. Rinse the fruit off under cold water afterwards.
  • I recommend removing the rind portion of the pineapple.
  • Add your fruit into the juicer.
  • Juice the fruit based on machine manufacturer instructions. Repeat this process until all the fruit & veggies have been juiced.
  • Once all the fruit has been juiced, if you need to strain the juice- do so at this time.
  • Prepare the serving cups, optional: add ice to the serving cups.
  • Pour juice into serving cups & enjoy!
Keyword green fruit, green juice, green veggies, Healthy, healthy drinks, juicing

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